Is coffee good for you?

BD Weeklys
3 min readSep 4, 2022

Many believe coffee is good for you, and some think that it is bad. What happens If you drink coffee regularly and what could happen if you suddenly stopped drinking coffee?

Photo by Dani on Unsplash

Coffee is well-known for improving your focus and boosting your energy levels.

It seems that many people are depending on coffee to begin their day with a fresh start. It's fair why they think like that because it boosts your energy and makes you focus better than ever so why would you drink some coffee in the morning?

Coffee doesn't only help with boosting energy levels it also has a lot of health benefits that not many know of. In this article, I am going to cover all of it so grab a cup of coffee.

Can help to enhance athletic performance

Coffee is often used as a performance enhancer by athletes to improve performance and their energy levels.

Studies have shown that drinking coffee before an exercise improves people's overall endurance and decreased their fatigue.

That's why many athletes drink some coffee before a workout. All that caffeine helps them be more energetic and active in exercise.

Boost energy levels

Coffee contains caffeine which is a central nervous system that helps fight off fatigue and increase energy levels. This is all because caffeine blocks the receptors of neurotransmitters called adenosine.

By blocking adenosine it increases the level of other neurotransmitters that regulate your energy levels including dopamine.

Health benefits

Some research indicates that ingesting coffee regularly could be associated with decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the long term.

Research also indicates that every cup of coffee decreases the chance of type 2 diabetes by 6%.

It is believed because of the ability of coffee to preserve the function of beta cells in your pancreas.

If you drink coffee you also have a lower chance of getting lung diseases.

Coffee also enhances brain function and boosts your metabolism.

The bad thing about coffee

I cant only talk about the good things. The sad truth is that there are also some side effects. Although it depends on the individual.

Consuming too much caffeine can lead to:

  • Jitteriness
  • anxiety
  • Heart palpitation
  • exacerbated panic attacks
  • Sleeping problems.

What happens when you withdraw from coffee?

Coffee is addicting and when you drink it regularly you become tolerant of coffee so you may need to use larger doses for you to feel the effect.

So when you decide to quit drinking coffee you will probably get withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, exhaustion, brain fog, and grumpiness.

This happens because you are addicted to it so if you stop suddenly you will feel the symptoms. But luckily it only lasts some days.


Coffee is good for the majority of people. But you should only take about 4 cups a day. If you drink too much you would be full of energy and get some sleeping problems.

So if you drink it regularly you could see the health benefits after some time. And if you stop drinking coffee you would probably feel the withdrawal symptoms.

Hey, thanks for reading enjoy your day.



BD Weeklys

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